This morning I woke up after a crazy dream about people running in fear hiding from what looked like Roman soldiers, I was amongst them trying to hide from all the killing. When I woke up I had the passage from Luke on my heart where Jesus weeps over the city of Jerusalem because they didnt recongize their messiah and He weeps because of all the devestation that was going to come upon them. I asked the Lord if the dream meant something or if there was something He wanted to show me. He showed me that a lot of times His people miss Him even now...We should recognize that our Messiah is right in our midst, He promised to never leave us or forsake us, He promised us every spiritual blessing, yet we miss out becuase we dont seek Him out, becuase we are too busy to make time for Him, because there is too much distracting us. I think sometimes the Lord weeps over us when we fail to recognize and acknowledge Him in everything. DO you realize what you have???? I know I have written posts like this before but like Paul for me to write to you the same thing is not tedious (Philippians 3:1) it is good to be reminded the abundance we have in a relationship with Him. He is so amazing that He would even want to have a relationship with us, to spend a little time with us, let alone every second of every day.
"How often I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, but you were not willing!" Matthew 23:37
I only write this with the desire that we all draw nearer to God, He is so amazing. He is so good to those who wait upon Him and those who seek Him. There is something so much deeper that I know He wants us all to step into, that abundant life He talked so much about. I havent figured it all out and I think there is so much we will never fully obtain it but I know He desires that we experience every second so much more of Himself! Be blessed my beloved brothers and sisters...
on a personal note, I am doing good.. the Lord is blessing so much here in Germany. I dont think I have ever been so happy anywhere. The more I am here the more I dont ever want to leave. I am learning a lot more german and I am getting to know a lot of people, they feel like family now. God is good thank you all for your prayers!
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