Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Hey Family in Christ! This post is way overdue...I am doing well, the semester is going well it is half way over i cant believe it. The Lord has been teaching me so much this semester I cant contain it all but I know He will bring it out when He needs to. This semester has been really different, the things the Lord has been teaching me it has been a lot more challenging, a lot more heart work. It is a sweet time and I love being here in Hungary. I live in a castle with 100 other people...pretty crazy where the Lord will take you. My classes are amazing I have like 50 papers to write it seems but it is all good and helping me be diligent.
As a word of encouragement the Lord has been teaching me about being the faithful and wise steward from Luke 12:42-44 and being ready for His return like the 1o virgins. Our Lord's return is so near, beloved family be ready!!! Walk circumspectly in this world, redeeming the time because the days are evil, dont let your love grow cold but keep yourselves in the love of God soon our hope will be revealed and what an amazing day that will be. All the struggles and difficulties we go through are nothing compared to the glory that will be revealed at His coming!! Above all rejoice, we have been given so much He gave us His SON!! what esle will He not give us if we ask? Ok so this is the run down on what I have been learning :) I love you all and you are in my prayers!! In our Savior, whom we have not seen but love, Misheru