Today I went to an art museum and I learned some very interesting things, at least I thought they were very interesting so I wanted to share them with you. Throughout the centuries art has changed. Most of the early paintings were centered on Christ, things pertaining to the Bible and the church. As time went on the paintings began to be more personal, focusing more on the artist, his emotions and feelings, the way he perceived things, they became less defined. Today the genre is abstract. What is abstract? To me, all it looks like is a big mess with no meaning. Maybe the colors are nice and it's interesting, and maybe even appealing but what is it? There is no definite answer. Do you see how we have come farther and farther away from the truth? There are no longer any absolutes or truth, it is whatever man thinks and determines in his heart is right, there is no right or wrong, no God. Even art shows the digression of man.
Lord, thank you that you are the sense in this senseless world and generation that we live in. Make me a woman of depth and character, a woman of intergrity ready to stand up for truth in this shallow, meaningless world.
This is a little bit of what I have been contemplaiting today, I think there is still a wealth of things to dig up from this topic, I know kinda random but the Lord works so naturally that this is what I saw. Here are a few paintings so you kinda get a picture. Hope you enjoy.
John 8:32
"And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."
Be blessed, do not be conformed to the world but transformed, fight the good fight of faith. Don't give up what you have in Christ for anything this world has to offer, in the end it is empty and vain!

1 comment:
Hey Friend...
I made it to Texas and am having a great time! The fam is amazing and Noah is so big and entertaining. I love you lots and hope to talk to you soon. It's a two hour difference but I will try and call this weekend sometime. Aisteru...Shan
"Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice." John 18:37
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