So probably most everyone knows by now but I was waiting for the right photos to announce that I have someone very special in my life. His name is Simon Friedrich and we have been together a little over two months. I am blown away and amazed at the Lord's goodness and grace in this relationship. The Lord uses him so much in my life to teach me and reveal the care that He, Himself has for me. I am a very blessed woman!
Michelle!!! i am so happy for you..and you guys are cute together...it prob wont work cuz i am anonymous, but i'll try
Felicitaciones Michellcita,
Y que el Señor los guie en un noviazgo de Santidad.
Jaime Inga.
name that word:
____, it seems like only yesterday..
ah ____, it's a grand thing..
life is brief, but when it's gone, ____ goes on and on..
how exciting!! when you seek His kingdom first surely He ADDS all these things!!! amazing!!! He is good!!!!
that's kinda mean to put a picture of where you look cute and he has his eyes closed!! lol...love ya and miss ya hope to catch ya soon!! Shan
shannon, he is so handsome anyways, even with his eyes closed!!! ;) i miss you shanny!!!
Yeah for that special someone in your life, especially when they are from the Lord.
Mi hermanita princesa!!!
No sabes lo feliz que estoy por tiiiiiiiii!!!!
Eres una linda hermanita y El Senor te bendice mucho...Felicitaciones!!! en el empezar de una nueva aventura en El...Se les ve lindo juntos!!! Espero conocerlo pronto!
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