Tonight we just got through with Revelation class. It was a long day 4 classes, pretty crazy put Pastor Tommy and his wife Joanna are really good teachers. At class tonight we talked about the churches and to the church of Sardis he says, "Therefore if you will not watch, I will come upon you as a thief, and you will not know what hour I will come upon you." Revelation 3:3. One thing the Lord reminded me of was the passage in Matthew 25 about the ten virgins and how 5 of them were ready and the other 5 were not, Pastor Tommy raised a good point that the verse in Rev. was written to Christians and that maybe it could be possible that a Christian be left behind if he is not watching and waiting. I thought it was interesting and at the same time a wake up call, just like it must have been to the church of Sardis, "Wake up and watch!" God says. Another thing Pastor Tommy talked about was Jewish weddings and how a bride was to know when her groom would come for her. There were certain signs she would get, mostly he was building a house and as she saw it being completed she knew the time was closer for him to come and get her. The same goes for us, we are watching in these last days all the signs of the return of our glorious Bridegroom being fulfilled and we should all the more like the Jewish bride preparing ourselves for our marriage. Jesus is coming for a pure bride, therefore walk holy for He is Holy!!
These were things that encouraged me tonight and I hope they encourage you. He who has this hope in him purifies himself just as HE is pure. Be watchful my friends the day is near. Do not put your hope and expectation in this life, don't waste your time trying to fill yourself with the things of this world invest in the everlasting, eternal kingdom that will soon be revealed and in the Savior who alone can satisfy.
With much love in our beautiful Bridegroom who is coming soon,
PS the pic is of yesterday at the waterfall i am kinda an airhead and didnt take a pic of the actual waterfall but this is a bridge leading to the waterfall...
1 comment:
Midgel, you funny girl. You forgot to get a picture of the waterfall. Well I will have to send you a picture of a waterfall I went to in Canta.. Love you, Jenni
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