Some of the girls we stayed with: Caro and Kristin and my little room mate Aline

Vienna is amazing! Especially at night!

Thanks to everyone who prayed it was an amazing time! our team became like family we got to share the gospel one person gave their life to Christ, our hearts were knit to the church family there...and now i am back and only have 2 more weeks of school then iam finsedh wiht bible colelge forever crazy!! love you all, Michelle
hey beautiful...nice to see you face!!! Hope everything is going good!! Love ya lots...Shan
Hey friend...I can't believe it your practically done!! Congradulations!! Hopefully we can catch up before you leave for mom talked to my brother and he said he had alot of fun hanging out with Josh last week...and that he is really enjoying serving in Peru!! Love you and praying for you daily...Love you lots..Shann
:-( micheru!!! I miss you alot! You shold email sometime. It looks like you're having alot of good times out there. Keep up the god work and finish strong!
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