Greetings Saints in Christ! Here are some pics of our trip to South Korea, it was a good trip but really short. The Lord showed us many things while there. One thing the Lord spoke me about that He has been speaking to me about is the need for people who will count their lives as lost and go into the far parts of the world and share the gospel. The missionaries back in the day went to the countries God was sending them to with their caskets because they never expected to come back but to die on the missionfield we need that kind of passion and zeal for the Lord and His creation today! Asia is so dark and in need of the gospel of Christ, it was crazy seeing people come and worship before the giant buddha, just like in the Old Testament when they would worship before idols it is the same today, they are worshiping the work of their hands. They are so lost and so blind, it must grieve the heart of God to see His creation worship in vain, trying to reach God in vain.

Be blessed by the truth that dwells in you, that He has counted you worthy to partake of the good news of His Son!
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